Steps For Holding More Effective Meetings
- Clarify the objectives of the meeting
- What is the purpose for holding this meeting? Is it
information sharing, decision making or information updating?
- What outcomes are you hoping to generate?
- Estimate time to be used for each agenda topic
- Include & invite the appropriate persons
- Based upon your clarified meeting objectives and outcomes, whose attendance is necessary?
- Make a distribution list of these critical people.
- Create a meeting agenda and solicit feedback from attendees.
- Design the meeting agenda with expected outcomes
- Include appropriate time limits for each agenda topic.
- Pass a rough draft to each critical attendee and solicit their input, additions, changes and feedback.
- Create the final agenda.
- Utilizing the feedback gathered earlier, create the final meeting agenda.
- Distribute this new agenda no less than 48 hours before the meeting is due to be held.
- Get assistance.
- Get someone to keep track of decisions made, who is not personally involved in any topic, so you can attend to the discussion
- Hold the meeting
- Agree upon, set, and employ meeting ground rules.
- Facilitate the content and the process carefully.
- Follow your time lines
- Evaluate the meeting process
- Ask meeting attendees questions about the process that was employed.
- How did the agenda development time line work?
- How effective was the meeting facilitated?
- Did your group meet its objectives and outcomes as expected?
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